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Monica Plans to Help Her Community with a Certificate in Public Health 

Monica S., Certificate in Public Health, Ghana

Monica S., Certificate in Public Health, Ghana

Growing up in a large family in Ghana made education difficult for Monica S. to pursue. Being raised in a family of seven meant that money was always tight.

“Financially things were hard for us but my mother was doing all she could,” Monica says. “My education journey has been very difficult because I needed to pay for transportation, food, books and not to mention other fees.”

Even with all the financial and social barriers she faced, she was still able to finish her education. Though at times this meant spending money on school supplies instead of food. Monica credits her success to determination and faith.

When she made the decision to expand her education, she had just given birth to a little girl and was working multiple jobs. She knew she would need a program that was both affordable and flexible. UoPeople was a perfect fit. Monica signed up and is currently earning a Certificate in Public Health.

For Monica, it’s about more than getting a better job. She’s pursuing higher education to make her community safer, healthier, and more inclusive.

“Public health is dear to my heart. It contributes to national and global development,” she says. “I will use the skills acquired to help society, especially to promote child education for girls.”

Monica is exactly the type of student UoPeople was built for. She persevered through economic hardships to better her own life and the lives of those living in her community. Now, even with a newborn baby, she can continue to pursue a life-changing education.

Monica encourages others who have lived through similar struggles, “Determination leads to success.”

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