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November 11, 2022

American Online University Offers 100 Scholarships to Iranian Women in Support of Women’s Rights Protests

Iran Woman Protest

By Tamer Abdel Fattah

Protests began spreading across Iran last September, after the death of a 22-year-old Iranian woman, who was arrested for not wearing the hijab properly. In recent weeks, anti-government protests have exploded into the largest mass demonstrations Iran has seen in decades. Protests on college campuses across the country.

Supporting the rights of Iranian women, including the freedom not to hide their faces in public, has been the biggest slogan in the world. The University of the People has offered 100 scholarships to Iranian women so that they can continue their education online safely from their homes without being threatened and possibly jailed by Before the Iranian morality police.

“The university supports women’s rights around the world, including their right to education and the freedom to dress the way they choose,” said UoPeople President Shai Reshef.

He added, “We are offering these scholarships to Iranian women so that they can continue their education safely online and become part of a global community of learners without any restrictions on what they wear.”

UoPeople is the first US-accredited, non-profit, tuition-free, online university designed to provide affordable and accessible higher education opportunities to any eligible high school graduate and offers a number of high-demand bachelor’s and master’s degree programs.

The university’s easily accessible, flexible degree programs ensure that these students can study anytime, anywhere and at any pace.

Students only need a basic internet connection to access the university’s courses, which means they can easily and safely study from their homes.

This is a translated version of the original story first published in Sout Alalam (Voice of the World)