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Everything You Need To Know About UoPeople’s Career Service Center

Updated: March 13, 2024 | Published: May 22, 2019

Updated: March 13, 2024

Published: May 22, 2019


University of the People launches an enhanced Career Service Center to help assist current students and alumni land their dream job.

University of the People strives to help people from around the world earn their degrees and land their dream job upon graduation. The tuition-free and online institution was founded in 2009 by President Shai Reshef to offer accessible and affordable higher education to people around the world. With over 18,500 students participating in the eight degree-granting programs from over 200 countries and territories around the world, UoPeople continues to implement new and improved efforts to guide our students through their academic journey and beyond.

As part of our commitment to further serve our students and alumni from admission through graduation and beyond, we are pleased to announce the launch of our enhanced UoPeople Career Service Center.

Source: Unsplash

Introducing Career Service Center 2.0

UoPeople’s Career Service Center offers career guidance for professional discovery and success, aiming to help students and alumni develop and manage their careers. Whether you are thinking about your first professional job in the workplace, hoping to advance in your current field, or are considering a career change, we invite you to the online Career Service Center.

The online center will provide a variety of tools and resources for career exploration, development and management, such as:

1. Industry and Career Information

To support your career exploration and career planning, the Center will share resources from which you can learn more about different industries, organizations and occupations. Career exploration and career planning are important parts of your career development because it increases your knowledge about career possibilities and explains the various requirements for different career paths. Having that knowledge will help you to establish relevant and practical goals on your chosen path. With a deeper understanding of the workforce, you will be more prepared for what’s to come.

For more guidance on this topic, be sure to check out the Best Business Careers and How to Get a Fun Job in 5 Easy Steps.

2. Resume and Cover Letter Writing

Resumes are often the first impression a potential employer has of candidates, so having a professional and well-written resume is important. In some locations, candidates are also expected to send a cover letter in addition to their resume. A high-quality cover letter can set you apart from others. Therefore, to help you create self-marketing and career search materials, the Career Service Center will offer tools and resources to help you build your resume and cover letter.

For more guidance on this topic, be sure to read about How to Write a CV.

3. Interviewing

Taking the time to prepare for an interview can help you feel more in control and confident in front of prospective employers. We will share tools and resources that will assist you in preparing for interviews, whether by practicing answering common questions, learning more about employers or by finding out what questions are asked in different organizations.

4. Networking

We will share resources to help you expand your professional network which can be essential in your career development and management. Benefits of networking include: strengthening professional relationships, deepening business knowledge, mutually sharing information and experiences, and exchanging job opportunities.

For more guidance on this topic, be sure to read about our 12 Networking Tips for Students Who Want to Get the Best Jobs

5. Jobs and Internships

To support your career development and advancement, we will share various job listing websites to assist you as you search for your next opportunity.

For more guidance on this topic be sure to take a look at Why Computer Science Jobs Matter and Internships for College Freshmen: How to Get Your Dream Role

6. Career Development Courses

The Career Service Center will offer career development courses on topics such as career planning, resume and cover letter writing, interviewing, job searching and networking strategies. Participating in these courses will provide eligible students with the opportunity to share ideas and experiences in a group setting where they will be able to learn from each other and expand their skills and network.

For more guidance on this topic, be sure to read our Top Tips to Ace a Web Developer Interview and 10 Phone Interview Tips To Get You to The Next Round

The best part is this is just our first initiative as part of our efforts to support our students and alumni in their career success. Keep checking back with us as we will be continuously launching new ways to enhance our services and add new content and services to the online center.

How to Access the Career Service Center

The enhanced version of the Career Service Center will be accessible for students and alumni through the UoPeople Portal 24/7 at The Career Service Center is available for all graduates, as well as students who have completed foundations courses.

We invite you to our online Career Service Center and encourage you to explore and make the best use of the different resources provided.

Source: Unsplash

Our Graduates Have Done It, You Can Too!

University of the People’s online model means that our students can access education from anywhere in the world with nothing more than an internet connection. Our students and graduates have shared with us their employment successes despite challenges like being a single parent, making a complete career change, fleeing war in their country, and more. With every story of triumph, we are proud to glean insight and feedback from our students to increase our resources and support services.

Upon graduation, our students have filled positions at some of the most notable companies around the world, including: Apple, Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, Wells Fargo, United Health Group, Deloitte, Dell, and more. This is because our students graduate with the skills and tools they need to work in the career of their choice. Our graduates work in non-profit organizations, government entities, multinational corporations and self-owned businesses.

UoPeople provides students with degrees and assistance to land jobs at big companies. Take, for example, Christopher Devlin, who descended from Scotland, lives in America and works as a Sales Engineer at Oracle Americas Inc. He says, “I believe education is the most significant tool in improving oneself and one’s society. Tuition-free UoPeople is directly changing lives and communities and I am proud to be a champion and cheerleader of this vision, while gaining an invaluable and thorough instruction.”

Source: Unsplash

Take Advantage of What the Career Service Center Has to Offer

It’s never too early to start planning for your future and your career. The Career Service Center is here to be used as your tool to fulfill your needs. Along with your personal Program Advisor, University of the People will continue to provide you with the resources you may need to land the job of your dreams!

You can access the Career Service Center via the portal link here. Navigate around the various useful sections including Resume Writing and Interviewing Assistance, Career Information and more. Once you graduate, feel free to access the portal as you move along your journey into career advancement.

How to Apply

For those who are not students yet and interested in getting a degree at UoPeople, become a student and apply to one of our eight degree programs and take the next step in your education and career. You are one step away from earning your tuition-free, U.S. accredited degree from wherever you choose to be in the world.

Whether you’re interested in an Associate’s, Bachelor’s, or a Master’s degree, you can rest assured knowing that your education is of utmost quality, matched with equal flexibility.

You can apply here. This link can be used to apply to any of the eight degree-granting programs, including degrees in: Health Science, Computer Science, Business Administration and Education.

Once you’re enrolled in your degree program, you will gain access the Career Service Center. At any time, the portal is here to assist our students and make for a smooth transition from earning your degree to getting a job, advancing in your current career or trying your hand at a new field.