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What Can You Do with a Computer Science Degree in Hand? Best Jobs and Career Options! 

Updated: January 5, 2024 | Published: February 26, 2019

Updated: January 5, 2024

Published: February 26, 2019

Computer Science Degree - What Are The Job Opportunities (2)

If you’re considering majoring in computer science, you probably have many questions about your future career options after graduation. Computer science is a lucrative field with demands across industries. So if you decide to take this direction, you’ll have gained considerable technical and non-technical skills, which are highly valued in computer science degree jobs today. 

Computer technologies are integral to modern life, so you will likely find your computer science degree indispensable in the job market. Organizations across industries compete for computer scientists, including financial firms, software houses, data warehouses, health organizations, government agencies, and consultancy firms. Read on to learn about job opportunities with your bachelor’s in computer science.  

1. Information Security Analyst 

Organizations across industries continue to automate their processes and adopt digital operations. But, an important issue has arisen—the need to protect organizational data from breaches and corruption. 

Cybercrime isn’t a vocabulary today. Unfortunately, many organizations, including government agencies, have fallen victim to cybercrime. Organizational breaches have caused companies hefty financial and data losses. Yet, there is a substantial global talent shortage of cybersecurity professionals.  

With that said, many companies strive to recruit and retain top talents in computer science to help them increase the safety of the company and customers’ data from breaches. As an information security consultant, you’ll analyze possible loopholes for data breaches and help your employer reinforce systems to protect important data and financial resources.   

In addition, this role may require you to install firewalls and encryption tools, research trends in cybersecurity, and educate company staff on best practices to minimize falling prey to hackers. 

2. Software Developer 

Think of how often you download interesting apps on your phone or computer, send emails, and visit endless stream media and social medial platforms daily. Practically, all this is enabled by people with careers for a computer science degree.  

Software development is one of the market’s most lucrative computer science degree jobs and people keep looking for ways to become a software developer. Software developers are responsible for creating, testing, and assessing all these programs we interact with on our phones and computers. Every front-and-center user interface and the underlying codes that support these programs’ performance requires software developers’ knowledge and expertise. 

3. Database Administrator

Wonder how organizations ensure the security of their database? That is the work of database administrators. These professionals are tasked with developing, using, and maintaining the company database’s performance, security, and with integrity. Although different organizations have specific roles for database administrators, you can specialize in database maintenance or development.  

As a database administrator, you must ensure data are consistent, clear, accessible, and secure. You also have to work closely with IT project managers, programmers, and technical staff to allow efficient and safe data flow within your organization. 

4. Cloud Engineer 

This is one of the most in-demand computer science degree jobs. Many organizations face the challenge of managing their data, providing effective customer service, and protecting their data simultaneously. As a result, many are opting for cloud services to avail important data and services to customers timely, convenient, and secure.  

A cloud engineer avail, maintain and updates organizational resources in the cloud. They build and maintain cloud infrastructure that enables organizations to avail data to employees and provide efficient customer services faster and at a lesser financial cost.  

However, there are various roles of a cloud engineer. For instance, if you like dealing with data, you can focus on writing different ETL pipelines for gathering, transforming, and using data in whatever way your organization needs.  

Cloud engineers develop and design basic cloud computing networks to allow organizations to focus more on consumer needs and technological demands while upgrading the existing network infrastructure.  

5. Web Developer 

This is among computer science degree jobs that involve multiple roles and specializations. As you can probably guess, with a  web developer degree one can focus on designing, building, and maintaining websites. Some web developers specialize in front-end features that users interact with, while others specialize in back-end features that ensure the seamless functioning of sites.  

Computer science knowledge of database structures, information flow, and programming can help increase integration between website functionality and an organization’s systems.  

6. IT Project Manager 

Every organization focuses on integrating IT infrastructure into its core operations. Initiating projects with technology as an integral part is an essential part of ensuring a successful transition.  

IT project manager is the mind that operates behind the scene in organizational projects to ensure proper integration and implementation of IT infrastructure into the projects. They oversee the maintenance and implementation of information technology in every essential stage of the project.  

IT project managers guide other IT professionals such as programmers and developers and guide organizations in evidence-based scheduling, budgeting, and resource allocation throughout the project. So, individuals in these critical roles must have technical knowledge of all operations involved in project management to enhance success. 

7. Technical Writer 

Despite the urgent need for organizations to transition to the digital field, many face information breakdowns due to a lack of understanding between the IT department and the general population. This has increased resistance from employees against organizational change. Many find it difficult to understand the complicated code language of the IT required to facilitate the transition. That is where a technical writer comes in handy.  

Technical writers provide descriptions and instructions that allow non-IT experts to understand computer language and interact with different products efficiently. They bridge the gap between the IT department and other employees to create efficiency and mutual understanding in utilizing various tools. 

Your knowledge in computer science is in high demand across industries as companies strive to facilitate an efficient comprehension of software and hardware products for their workforce. You’ll describe and interpret the technical terms needed to manipulate products and network tools. 

How To Get Started  

The computer science field is broad and has multiple opportunities for everyone in need of taking that career direction. It is an exciting field that continues to broaden from system administration and game development to cybersecurity, creating more computer science degree jobs. 

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects jobs with a computer science degree to increase by 13% by 2030. This implies that you shouldn’t be afraid of the influx of job seekers in the market. The gap in the need for professionals with computer science knowledge will remain high for several decades. Whether you’re considering changing your career or looking for a course in computer science, all you need is to become the best in your specialization. 

Enrolling for a degree in computer science in a recognized institution gives you an advantage over other job seekers. At the University of the People, we offer quality technology programs efficiently and flexibly. We help students from across the world enroll in courses and take the career paths they want. We also help students make the best decisions based on what they want to achieve. All our courses are affordable and 100% online. Contact us to learn from the best.