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Why Computer Science Jobs Matter

Updated: September 21, 2023 | Published: November 11, 2018

Updated: September 21, 2023

Published: November 11, 2018


With every industry relying on computers and technology, computer science jobs matter more than ever before. Here are some interesting facts about job prospects in the field.

Computer science, or the study of computers and computational systems, has made its way into virtually every field of work. When you’re enrolling in college and deciding whether or not a computer science degree is right for you, it’s helpful to know some of the interesting facts surrounding the job prospects, how hard it is to get a computer science job, computer science salaries, and how the degree can set you up for success overall.

So, let’s get right into it…

What Do You Learn in Computer Science?

Source: Unsplash

With internet usage surpassing the 4 billion mark, the knowledge acquired during a computer science degree helps most people and industries. Computer science programs begin incrementally, meaning that the knowledge from one course builds up into the next. You’ll start with classes like pattern recognition, computational theory, and machine learning, then move into learning the hard skills like programming.

During a computer science program, whether it’s an associate’s or bachelor’s degree, you will learn a comprehensive understanding of design and development, database knowledge, and programming languages.

At University of the People, you can enroll in a completely tuition-free program and explore computer systems, build mobile applications, understand Java programming, learn about artificial intelligence, and master search optimization, to name a few skills.

What Types of Jobs Use Computer Science?

Almost all jobs have a need for computer science majors, so there are many career prospects. Whether you choose to work for a company or begin your own business, there is high demand for computer science skills. And, the good news is, computer science and engineering are consistently projected to be the highest paid majors in the U.S.

So, what can you do with a degree in computer science? Here’s a look at a a few of the professions (taken from

1. Software Application Developer


Translate software into programming code and develop programs for business use

Average Annual Salary:


2. Computer Systems Analyst


Consult with managers and develop the role of IT in an organization and increase functionality of systems

Average Annual Salary:


3. Software Systems Developer


Play a role in the design, installation, testing, and maintenance of software systems to help make businesses run more efficiently

Average Annual Salary:


4. Web Developer


Design, code, modify, and create websites based on a client’s needs

Average Annual Salary:


5. Network Systems Administrator


Responsible for the day-to-day functioning of network operations and communication systems

Average Annual Salary:


How Does Computer Science Help Society?

Since computer science happens somewhat behind the scenes (or should we say, screens?), their role in society may be less obvious compared to other professions. The truth is that computer science jobs play a large role across many aspects of society, including, but not limited to:

1. Healthcare

Computer science and data information technologies are making the study of genetics and access to personalized medical attention scalable and possible.

2. Education

Schools are built around technology for communication, research, and access. Some schools, like University of the People, are entirely online, which makes it possible for any student anywhere to earn an education. Computers and internet have democratized the system making physical costs or geographical location unimportant.

3. Communication

From social media to video calling, the inventions from computer science have connected communities and countries, both near and far, making a global world feel small and more powerful.

4. Banking and Finance

Capital markets and banking runs on computers, so it’s important to keep the systems ultra-secure.

Source: Unsplash

Fields of Employment

If you’re not sure what exactly you’d want to do with a computer science degree, but you love problem-solving, learning, and being able to have an impact on the future, there is a huge variety in the type of employers you can work for once you graduate.

Some of the most notable employers who hire computer science majors are in the following industries:

  • Aerospace and Defense
  • Agriculture
  • Financial Services
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Manufacturing
  • Retail
  • Public and Private Sectors
  • Telecommunications

And, if none of these seem right for you, you can always start your own business, freelance or become a consultant with the skills that a computer science degree offers. Did you know that Facebook’s founder Mark Zuckerberg studied computer science? Google’s CEO Larry Page did, too.

Is Computer Science Right For Me?

Now you know that computer science jobs really matter and have a global impact, but is it the right degree for you to pursue?

While only you can answer this question, you should at least be interested in learning, be very curious, and enjoy problem-solving. Some people are scared off from pursuing the degree because it seems heavy in math and numbers, but the truth is, the level of math fluctuates, and more importantly, it’s more dependent on mathematical thinking rather than actual application.

Computer science careers are only increasing in demand as the world relies more heavily on technology as time progresses. In fact, the full-time employment rate for all 2014 graduates, outside of a computer science degree, was lower than 45%. This is compared to those who study computer sciences where 61% of graduates in this degree become employed full-time within their field.

The flexibility and opportunity that this degree creates is endless because the safety, security, and connection of global communication systems and small-scale business operations use computer science day-in and day-out!